englisch - deutsch


Conservation Projects

Palais Trauttmansdorff Wien (2015/16) ...... Piano Nobile  white-gold painted wall fittings

Hofburg Wien (2015/16) ...... Toilett Room Empress Elisabeth Möbel

Claudiana Innsbruck (2015) ...... early baroque wooden ceiling

Juwelier Köchert (2015) ...... wooden interior Theophil Hansen

Pöttelsdorf Burgenland (2014) ...... altar, pulpit

Steinbrunn Burgenland (2014) ...... tabernacle

Karlskirche Wien (2014/15) ...... winter vestry

Rust (2014) ...... Organ

Hofpavillon Otto Wagner (2014) ......  wooden fittings

Schloss Schönbrunn (2014) ......  Porcelain Room, painted wooden fittings

Zisterzienserstift Rein (2013/14) ......  Beichtgestühl summer choir stall, confessional

Servitenkirche Wien (2013) ...... Peregrini chapel; altar gilding decorations

Park Hyatt – Am Hof 2 (2012/13) ...... wood interiors decoration "Piano Nobile" design and planning for reconstruction and quality assurance

Schloss Schönbrunn (2011/13) ...... Millionen Room

Schottenstift (2012/13) ......old and new vestry

Palais Lichtenstein (2009/2011) ...... inlaid parquet floor (1845, Michael Thonet)

Globenmuseum Wien (2010/2011) ...... various conservations jobs on globes from the collection 

Schloss Schönbrunn (2010/2011) ...... Walnut Room

Stift Klosterneuburg (2010/2011) ......  Treasure Chamber

Franziskanerkirche Wien (2010/2011) ...... Wöckherlorgan, choir stall

Akademie der Wissenschaften (2010/2011) ......  clock case with coloured veneer inlaids  from the astronomical clock of  P. Aurelius (1775)

Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (2009/2010) ......writing desk of Johann Puchwiser

Sammlung Esterhàzy (2009/2010) ...... chest of drawers (Abraham Röntgen )

Österreichische Galerie Belvedere (2010) ...... european laquer cabinet (europäischer Lack)

Kunsthistorisches Museum (2009/2010) ...... various conservations jobs  on the objects of the Treasure Chamber´s  collection

Schottenfeldkirche (2009/2011) ...... pews, confessionals, vestibule

Karlskirche Wien (2008) ...... pews, baroque confessional (um 1730)

Hofkirche Innsbruck (2008) ...... ebony and ivory altar, Silver Chapel (um 1575)

Pfarrkirche Rust (2007) ......painted pulpit, altar

Schloss Schönbrunn (2004/2006) ...... Vieux-Laque-Room; european laquer

Pfarrkirche Donaustadt (2006) ...... Elisabeth chapel

Hofkirche Innsbruck (2004-2006) ...... renaissance choir stalls and Oratory

Palais Epstein (2005) ...... figures wooden ceiling, marbled wood paneling

Poststparkasse (2004/5) ...... architectural wooden fittings and furniture by Otto Wagner

Schlosshof (2004/5) ...... polychrome furniture Widow"s apartment Maria Theresias

Dänklkapelle Wiener Neustadt (2004/5) ...... crucifixion group

Mistelbach (2004) ...... figure of Christ

Annakirche (2004/5) ...... Tabernacle with tin inlay, variou doors

Theresianum (2004) ...... inlaid baroque doors

Innenministerium (2003) ...... ministerial staircase - crested mouldings

Ehem. Palais Althan (2003) ...... baroque parade doors

Schloss Seggau (2003) ...... altar tabernacle cupboard

Franziskanerkirche Wien (2003) ...... side portal and door to the tower staircase

Junker-Jonas-Schlössle Götzis (2001-2003) ...... renaissance interior

Galerie Ropac Salzburg (2002) ...... modern art wooden objects

Barmherzige Brüder Wien (2002) ...... Pomegranate Pharmacy

Stift Heiligenkreuz (2002) ...... main portal, side portal, Biedermayer clock

Haydn - Museum Rohrau (2001) ......Haydn grand piano

Globenmuseum Wien (2000/1) ...... various conservations jobs on globes from the collection

Haus Feichtner Getreidegasse (2000) ...... renaissance ceiling

Kloster St. Peter Salzburg (1999-2001) ...... baroque lectern, reliquary cross, various pieces of furniture

Dommuseum Salzburg (1999) ...... objects from the art chamber

Augustinerkirche Wien (1999-2000) ...... baroque vestry

Schlossmuseum Linz (1998) ...... golden pagoda cupboard by Johann Praitwieser

Finnischer Botschaft Wien (1998) ...... wooden interior Residence

Schloss Leopoldskron Salzburg (1997) ...... architectural wooden fittings, ball room


Analysis and Report

Parlament Wien ...... polichrome and exsposed wooden fittings

Technische Chemie Wien ...... window, sample window

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien ...... polichrome and exsposed wooden fittings

Werkbundsiedlung Wien ...... polichrome and exsposed buildings wooden components

Wiener Musikverein ...... organ

Stadtpalais des Prinzen Eugen ...... polichrome and exsposed wooden fittings

Am Hof 2 ...... gefasste und holzsichtige Holzausstattung

Palais Larisch ......  polichrome and exsposed wooden fittings

Börse für landwirtschaftliche Produkte ...... windows

Gedenkstätte Mauthausen ...... polichrome and exsposed wooden fittings

Schubertring 5-7 ...... exsposed wooden fittings

Palais Schwarzenberg ...... polichrome and exsposed wooden fittings

Stadtpalais Lichtenstein ......  polichrome and exsposed wooden fittings

St. Johann bei Herberstein ...... Boulle-Altar

ehem. Minoritenkirche Linz (BDA OÖ) ..... vestry fittings

Karmelitenkirche Linz (BDA OÖ) ..... wooden fittings, main portal

Michaelerkirche (BDA Wien) ..... polychrome wooden caskets from the 18th century

Residenz Salzburg (BDA Salzburg) ..... baroque inlaid parquet floor

St. Johann bei Herberstein (Diözese Graz-Seggau) ......non-polychrome wooden fittings

Pfarrkirche Leoben (Diözese Graz-Seggau) ......  vestry fittings, main portal

Frankfurter Küche (Techn. Museum Wien) ...... attribution, polychromy scheme

Palais Epstein (BDA Wien) ......  polychrome and exposed wooden fittings

Kollegienkirche (BDA Salzburg) ...... paneled parquet flooring

Palais Mollard-Chlary (BDA Wien) ...... wooden floors

Berchtholdvilla (BDA Salzburg) ...... floors

Hüttau (BDA Salzburg) ...... windows, doors, floors, architectural wooden fittings

Salesianerinnenkloster (BDA Wien) ...... polychrome and exposed wooden room fittings

Haus der Musik (BDA Wien) ...... choir stalls

Enns Stadtpfarrkirche (BDA OÖ) ...... polychrome and exposed wooden room fittings

Schloss Windern (BDA OÖ) ...... floors, wall coverings, library, architectural wooden fittings